A holistic approach to health, joy, and good food.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Seriously Wicked Superfood Fudge

Photo Credit: Melissa Skelly Angersbach
If you're like me, you like your chocolate every day.  I say it's a magnesium shortage, but I'm not complaining.  And this fudge is a serious delivery system for chocolate, let me tell you.  I won't tell you it's low in fat or it will make you skinny.  But if you're going to have chocolate, it's probably the healthiest chocolate you can possibly have on this good green Earth.  No exaggeration here. 

The base is pretty simple, but you can add whatever fill ins you'd like:  cashews and grated orange rind, goji and walnuts (as seen here), mulberry pumpkin seeds, etc.  Go crazy and love every minute of it.  Keeps about a week or so in the fridge, a month in the freezer (if you can wait that long)... 

1 cup cacao butter, melted
½ cup raw cacao powder and ½ carob powder, mixed
3 Tablespoons Hazelnut  or vanilla extract
½ Teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons yacon syrup
½ cup raw dark agave
2 Tablespoons Maca powder
1 Tablespoon Lucuma powder
1 Tablespoon Mesquite powder
1 Teaspoon Maqui powder

Fill ins:
1/3 cup walnuts and 1/3 cup goji berries mixed (reserve for last)

Mix all the base ingredients together in a strong blender until thick and blended.  I'd opt for putting hte powder on the bottom so it doesn't spray everwhere as you're blending.  In a bowl, pour out the base and add your mix ins.  Place a parchment paper in an 8x8 square pan and pour in the batter, spreading it to the corners and making a smooth top. Refrigerate until hard, about 4-5 hours or freeze for 20 minutes.  Lift with the parchment paper and cut into individual squares (1 inch or so since it's so rich). Enjoy! 

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