A holistic approach to health, joy, and good food.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wild Raspberries

If you haven't been out this month to pick wild raspberries, you're missing out. More tart than your store-bought variety, they are small, juicy, a bit sticky (which is fun) and delicious.  
Most especially, wild raspberries are just that - WILD. Meaning, unchanged by man, not sprayed, modified in any way, so they contain so much more nutrition than what you can find boxed up in your local favorite store.  Raspberries are huge in anti-oxidant and are especially helpful for:  (1) female health and (2) weight loss.  You can find out more fun info HERE.

I also know that raspberry leaf (infusions, teas, etc.) are especially helpful with supporting women in their hormonal health.  I often heat up a big pot of water until boiling, then take a handful of raspberry leaves and mix it in, cover and let steep over night.  The next morning, I strain the tea and add it to smoothies or just drink it as is.  For an extra antioxidant boost, you can even add a little lemon peel and goji berries when it's steeping. I love the flavor combo that results. You can buy some great organic raspberry leaf tea HERE

We went for a hike this past weekend and the woods were absolutely filled with them.  We ate until we were happy, and left the rest for whoever else might want some after us.  I love doing that - taking just enough for us, and leaving some behind. 

I hope this encourages you to get out of the house for a bit of hiking and noshing on these amazing fruit. 

Ode to Coconut Water

I love my coconut water! Fresh is certainly best (and I will upload a video soon on how to crack open a coconut) but for those of you who may not have a machete or a cleaver, you might want to opt for some bottled beverage. Nice 2nd best choice.

I have a couple of priorities when I look for packaged goods, which is not often...
1.  It has to be clean (nothing added)
2. It has to be in glass.

The first priority is obvious.  I'm not interested in anything but coconut water - not added water, sugar, flavorings, colors, or preservatives.

The second priority has to do with the fact that anything fatty (such as nut milks, nut butter, coconut products, oils, etc.) tend to leach impurities from the plastic into your food. So even if you're buying organic coconut water, guess what...if it's in a plastic bottle, then it's pretty much a done deal. 

I love this particular brand, Taste Nirvana. Its in a glass bottle and what's great is that after we're done drinking it, I use the large bottles to create a bottle edge around my garden beds (have you heard about this!?!?) and the small bottles to hold my new herbs (I'm taking an herbalism class and need to get organized).  I know it's not organic, but I can sleep better at night knowing it's contained in glass.  All in all, a sweet deal.  

It's a complete protein, high in electrolytes and has more potassium than bananas. It's excellent for hydration and truth be told, when I want a little something sweet, this is my new favorite dessert.  Notice I said dessert - it IS sweet and I don't over do it.  But it does hit the spot. I drink a small glass, savor the taste, and I'm good to go.

Hope you enjoy your coconut water as much as I do! 

My fave SUPER-food Cereal

This is MY breakfast of choice! So many people ask me what I eat and I have to say "keep it simple and delicious" and you're good to go. This recipe could NOT get any simpler.

Change up the seeds based on what you like and the fruit that's in season (I love berries, for their low-glycemic quality). 

The seeds keep you full and offer some heart and brain-healthy eats, and the berries and cinnamon are a really good choice for diabetics or those watching their sugar intake.  Since cinnamon keeps your blood sugars level (without the yoyo high/low dips), you'll be good all morning! 

One superfood you might not have heard of is the hefty and magnificent goldenberry...It's tart, sweet, delicious and if I could (which I sometimes do), I'd eat them like popcorn.  But that's about $6 gone in one fell swoop, so I just sprinkle it here and there whenever I can. Here is a reputable source of high quality goldenberries, but you can also find them in other parts.  

3/4 cup favorite berries (I used blueberries)
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
1 tablespoon sunflower seeds
1 tablespoon goldenberries
almond milk, to taste
pinch cinnamon

Combine everything together and savor. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Cooling & Tart Green Juice

I go through phases...always alternating between smoothies and juices, but for some reason during the summer, I really opt for the juice...it's cooling, not as sweet, and really helps me gain energy when the days are hot and lazy.  It's my preferred way to break the fast after sleeping.  Make sure you chew (swish) your juice and take your time with it...I like to sip it over 20 minutes, but not longer, to retain the nutrients. 

This juice is pretty lemony, but that's how we like it...not too sweet and super tart.  Adjust the greens (bitters) and lemon/limes (tart) and apples (sweet) to your taste to create the perfect balance for you.

We also use whatever we have on hand - whatever is abundant in the garden, leftover in the fridge, and little remnants of pieces of veggies here and there. We love broccoli stems, leftover cauliflower, half pieces of carrot.  Anything goes.  

Lastly, we love to get every bit of juice out, so we actually take out the pulp and juice that all over again.  You'd be surprised how much you get (for us, almost about a whole cup!).

Also, see if you can get most of these things organic, since when you juice, you want as many nutrients as possible in the juice.  Most of these nutrients are found in the peel, which you want to keep, but for some non-organic produce you really have to peel it (which means less nutrients for you). 

2 broccoli stems
1 cucumber (peel if not organic)
2 stalks celery
2-3 carrots (long, not baby)
2-3 green apples
chunk ginger
1 turmeric root
4-5 kale leaves
2 lemons (skin on)
1 lime (skin on)
1 clove garlic (optional)

Juice everything, and rejuice the pulp.  This makes a lot, enough for two people with some leftovers (for later in the day if we need it).  But we love our green juice, and we can't get enough of it.  

Orange Maca Truffles

There are so so so many recipes for truffles, and this is just one in the ocean of possibilities.  Play it up as you'd like.  Make them into balls and roll them in coconut or cacao or cacao nibs. Another option is to sprinkle coconut on the bottom of a dish (as you would flour, to keep mixture from sticking) and press in the mixture to form bars.  Refrigerate, cut and wrap...these are even better than the fruit/date bars you'd buy at a store...and so much healthier too. 

We made these for our Whole Foods demo last week on raw foods, and everyone loved them. Now, granted, these are dense - not for lounging around and enjoying while watching TV but rather to be used as fuel while on a hike, running, vigorous exercise, that type of thing.  

2 cups walnuts
 1 to 1.5 -cup dried unsulfured apricots (diced small)
¾ cup unsweetened shredded coconut (plus ½ cup set aside)
grated zest of one organic orange
1/4 cup orange juice, as needed
1 tablespoon maca powder
2 T vanilla extract
few pinches salt

Process the walnuts and salt in a food processor until it resembles rice, but not more.  Add in the apricots, salt, vanilla and maca and process until it starts to stick together between your fingers.  If needed, add a little of the orange juice as it mixes, until it really starts to stick together.   Timing is critical since over processing lets out the oils in the nuts (making a nut butter).

Remove the blade and scoop out about 1 tablespoon worth (I use the smallest cookie scooper utensil) and roll it between your hands to make a small ball.  Roll it in the coconut and set aside in a container.  Keep going until you’ve used all of the dough.  Sprinkle the remaining coconut around the truffles so that they don’t stick together, and refrigerate at least 2 hours to set.  Again, you can also make these into bars.  They keep well and taste delicious.  Enjoy! 

Scrumptious (and easy) Berry Dream Ice Cream

A few posts ago, I described having found the most amazing popsicle recipe.  We've been somewhat obsessed with it, and I have no shame reposting it (albeit with different and more eye-candy'ish photos).  It really is that easy, and maybe part of the reason that it's been on my mind is that we have it about 2-3 times a week round here. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

My favorite is to allow a little crunch to it...add in some crushed walnuts or cacao nibs, coconut, what have you...but it's like soft serve with some naughty add ins, except without the belly ache after, no bloating, and all the satisfaction of hunkering down to a nice bowl of chilled goodness.  

Yes.  You should buy a few cans and keep them refrigerated, as well as some spiffy frozen berry bags. And then you're all set.  

1 can (chilled) organic coconut milk
1 bag frozen strawberries
1-2 dropper fulls of liquid stevia (non alcohol is best)

In a vitamix or strong blender, combine all ingredients together until smooth. Dish out, spoon in hand, and enjoy wholeheartedly.