A holistic approach to health, joy, and good food.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ode to Coconut Water

I love my coconut water! Fresh is certainly best (and I will upload a video soon on how to crack open a coconut) but for those of you who may not have a machete or a cleaver, you might want to opt for some bottled beverage. Nice 2nd best choice.

I have a couple of priorities when I look for packaged goods, which is not often...
1.  It has to be clean (nothing added)
2. It has to be in glass.

The first priority is obvious.  I'm not interested in anything but coconut water - not added water, sugar, flavorings, colors, or preservatives.

The second priority has to do with the fact that anything fatty (such as nut milks, nut butter, coconut products, oils, etc.) tend to leach impurities from the plastic into your food. So even if you're buying organic coconut water, guess what...if it's in a plastic bottle, then it's pretty much a done deal. 

I love this particular brand, Taste Nirvana. Its in a glass bottle and what's great is that after we're done drinking it, I use the large bottles to create a bottle edge around my garden beds (have you heard about this!?!?) and the small bottles to hold my new herbs (I'm taking an herbalism class and need to get organized).  I know it's not organic, but I can sleep better at night knowing it's contained in glass.  All in all, a sweet deal.  

It's a complete protein, high in electrolytes and has more potassium than bananas. It's excellent for hydration and truth be told, when I want a little something sweet, this is my new favorite dessert.  Notice I said dessert - it IS sweet and I don't over do it.  But it does hit the spot. I drink a small glass, savor the taste, and I'm good to go.

Hope you enjoy your coconut water as much as I do! 

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