A holistic approach to health, joy, and good food.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Growing Our Own Food

I don't really know what's gotten into us this spring, but we're growing more food than we've ever done before:   We have 9 small beds outside, one roundish bed and three rectangles: and are growing...in no particular order. 

Arugula, beets, sorrel, asparagus, borage, stevia, swiss chard, peas, thyme, basil, dill, sorrel, parsley, chocolate mint, ginger mint, sweet mint, peppermint, spearmint, lettuces, radishes, kale, collards, poppies, rosemary, chives, oregano (two types), lemon balm, onions, broccoli, lavender, celery, rhubarb, strawberries, green beans, corn, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, clary sage, 5 new apple trees, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and squash. I'm sure I forgot something. Of course, the wild edibles, which are too many to count - echinacea, chammomile, st. john's wort, artemesia wormwood, lambsquarters, and so on.  Lots to do, lots of love, lots of water, and lots of sun.  

My hope is to basically eat out of the garden, and only buy:  chickpeas, superfoods, citrus, avocado, bananas, and nuts/seeds.  That's basically all we eat anyway. 

Enjoy the pictures.  This is honestly the #1 place I love to be.  Hands down. It's like Eden. 

Strawberry bed plus lettuce

Our seedlings hanging out during the day...


Small herb garden. 

Lemon Balm.

Our 5 new fruit trees, plus composting sections between them.

Arugula babies. 

Broccoli and onions...

Swiss Chard.

Magenta Lambsquarters growing up from last year...

Warm & Spicy Walnut Hummus

I'm telling you, if you haven't had warm hummus before, you haven't REALLY had hummus.  I'm not sure why, but I can honestly eat a whole bowl...Ok, so then it's no longer a condiment, but rather a meal in itself, but I'm ok with that scenario.  Actually ecstatic about it. And completely fulfilled, with some carrots and olives and an orange for dessert. How's that for whole foods?

3 cups hot chickpeas (preferably just home-made)
1/2 cup walnuts
2 small garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon chipotle powder (you can use less if you don't like it as spicy)
Sea salt, to taste
A little water to get it going

Combine all ingredients together in a food processor and add as much water as needed to make it the consistency you'd like. If you like the walnuts a bit on the chunky side, you're set.  If you want the hummus super creamy, just process the walnuts first until the resemble rice, then proceed with the rest of the recipe. Serve with olives.  Eat with a large spoon.  Be tickled pink at how good it tastes.  

Divine Almond Oat Energy Balls

These are literally divine...I can't tell you how good these are and a bit addictive, but there are worse things to be addicted, so I say go for it. There are a lot of these same types of recipes online, so I can't take ownership for creating the first oat-based nut ball, but this is just a spin on such a creation - pretty generic ingredients, but the end product will fool anyone and it will knock their socks off.  These are great pre-workout, post-workout and as a snack for hiking, etc.  

2 cups oats (preferably raw, gluten free)
1/2 cup raw almond butter (roasted is fine, but not as optimal, or you can use peanut butter if you're not sensitive to it)
1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
2 tablespoons cacao
pinch salt
few pinches cinnamon
7 pitted dates

Combine all the ingredients (except for the dates) in a food processor until well combined.  Add in the dates and combine some more until the mixture begins to hold together. If it needs a little help (if the dates are harder than desired) add a few tablespoons of water until it starts to stick together between your fingers.  Roll into balls, and enjoy! When refrigerated, they hold their shape better and harden a bit.  

Cinnamon Pear Raw Breakfast Bowl

Many people ask me what I eat for breakfast...but it really depends on the day....sometimes I just love water, sometimes a banana, sometimes a green juice or green smoothie....and more recently, I have a love affair with this easy pear cinnamon bowl. It really is the perfect balance of nutty/sweet/spice and cream.  You can't go wrong.  Change up the fruit, change up the nuts and seeds, add some apple juice instead of almond milk, add some cardamom for some kick...but have it. Just eat it.  You'll thank me. 

1 bartlett pear, chopped
2 tablespoons chia
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
a few dashes cinnamon
almond milk

Combine everything together and enjoy.  Now, this makes a lot - if you want to start out with 1 tablespoon of all the seeds, you can try it - and then most likely you'll have seconds. But go at your own pace and enjoy all the protein, nourishment, good fats, and energy this provides with very little sugar.  Long term energy at its best! Ps. This makes an awesome dessert too without the guilt!