A holistic approach to health, joy, and good food.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wild Raspberries

If you haven't been out this month to pick wild raspberries, you're missing out. More tart than your store-bought variety, they are small, juicy, a bit sticky (which is fun) and delicious.  
Most especially, wild raspberries are just that - WILD. Meaning, unchanged by man, not sprayed, modified in any way, so they contain so much more nutrition than what you can find boxed up in your local favorite store.  Raspberries are huge in anti-oxidant and are especially helpful for:  (1) female health and (2) weight loss.  You can find out more fun info HERE.

I also know that raspberry leaf (infusions, teas, etc.) are especially helpful with supporting women in their hormonal health.  I often heat up a big pot of water until boiling, then take a handful of raspberry leaves and mix it in, cover and let steep over night.  The next morning, I strain the tea and add it to smoothies or just drink it as is.  For an extra antioxidant boost, you can even add a little lemon peel and goji berries when it's steeping. I love the flavor combo that results. You can buy some great organic raspberry leaf tea HERE

We went for a hike this past weekend and the woods were absolutely filled with them.  We ate until we were happy, and left the rest for whoever else might want some after us.  I love doing that - taking just enough for us, and leaving some behind. 

I hope this encourages you to get out of the house for a bit of hiking and noshing on these amazing fruit. 

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