I don't really know what's gotten into us this spring, but we're growing more food than we've ever done before: We have 9 small beds outside, one roundish bed and three rectangles: and are growing...in no particular order.
Arugula, beets, sorrel, asparagus, borage, stevia, swiss chard, peas, thyme, basil, dill, sorrel, parsley, chocolate mint, ginger mint, sweet mint, peppermint, spearmint, lettuces, radishes, kale, collards, poppies, rosemary, chives, oregano (two types), lemon balm, onions, broccoli, lavender, celery, rhubarb, strawberries, green beans, corn, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, clary sage, 5 new apple trees, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and squash. I'm sure I forgot something. Of course, the wild edibles, which are too many to count - echinacea, chammomile, st. john's wort, artemesia wormwood, lambsquarters, and so on. Lots to do, lots of love, lots of water, and lots of sun.
My hope is to basically eat out of the garden, and only buy: chickpeas, superfoods, citrus, avocado, bananas, and nuts/seeds. That's basically all we eat anyway.
Enjoy the pictures. This is honestly the #1 place I love to be. Hands down. It's like Eden.
Strawberry bed plus lettuce |
Our seedlings hanging out during the day... |
Collards |
Small herb garden. |
Lemon Balm. |
Our 5 new fruit trees, plus composting sections between them. |
Arugula babies. |
Broccoli and onions... |
Swiss Chard. |
Magenta Lambsquarters growing up from last year... |
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